Monday 26 April 2010

Don't Fight The Waves

If you're in the ocean and being battered a bit by waves, it's always better just to float around on them rather than try to fight the current (I know, I know...the knowledge one gains growing up in Aus!!). Go with the flow not only works in water, but in life. Don't fight the bad bits but just bob around knowing that if you just hang tight, they'll pass by and you'll be in smoother waters in no time. Now, for a control lover like me, that's not always easy. But time and time again it's shown to me that if I release my grip and stop being a know-all, trust the flow of the universe and breathe, everything will be just fine. "This too will pass". Thanks to Mr Persian Sufi Poet for coming up with that one!
Today I woke up feeling sick and panicy. So, instead of chilling, I freak, panic, wonder how I'll get anything done and convince myself I won't. What happens then? My day was like swimming through wet sand. It took me until this afternoon to loosen my grip. And what happened? Well...of course everything that needed to be done was done. All is well. See?!!? Why bother wasting your energy on standing still and worrying. Just flow and plod gently away.

Tip of the day: try to find a chiro who doesn't crack you about and also does kinesiology. I found one this evening. I felt like I had died, gone to heaven and returned to a new body. I couldn't even remember where I'd parked my car. AMAZING. I was so twisted (which I kind of thought I was) , but this is the first time in my life that I felt my body completely realign. Soooo blessed. Thank you!


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