Wednesday 15 September 2010

A Lesson From Two Ecstatic Goddesses

Not much to report. Everything taking place slowly, slowly. Two horses are being ridden and two pilates studios have become places of employment. Not a bad effort for a couple of weeks back down south. The weather is slowly warming and the Spring blossoms are vigorously showing their little faces. I can drive from Beecroft to Glenorie and smell flowers the whole way. Half an hour of natural aromatherapy! I'm still unpacking belongings and to be honest, the bedroom floor will probably be littered with books for some time yet. Isn't a messy environment a sign of a genius mind or something???? Besides, I could think of worse things to be littering your floor with. And better things. ;-) I was flicking through and old favourite, "Ecstatic Beings" by Shazzie and Kate Magic, both ecstatic beings themselves. I've hung out with Shazzie a bit and she is Love and Earth Mother combined and personified. We've played with lettuces together, drunk green juices, eaten vegan ice-cream and analysed that strange category of being called "blokes". After spending time with Shazzie, not only do you feel lighter and infinitely wiser, but you come away realising how perfect and gorgeous the world really is.
Shazzie and Kate have a great analogy of helping each other on our spiritual journeys. Someone reaches down a hand to help you climb a ladder, each rung leading to a higher level of consciousness, and you do the same for someone else below you. None of us are better or worse than each other, just at different points on the journey. My viewpoint is that we're all just organic portals for the mass consciousness to experience life from different angles. If that viewpoint resonates with you, then you'll realise that we're all basically the same thing; all just a chip off the old block of mass consciousness. Therefore in helping each other, we're helping the whole and therefore ourselves. Get it?? Hope I'm not losing anyone here!!!!!! This is supposed to be a fun viewpoint not a lesson in philosophy!
ANYWAY, I think the point to keep in mind with this whole theory, is that you HELP them up. You don't try and drag them up kicking and screaming. If they're not ready, you have to leave them. Or perhaps their path is to be one a little different from your own. You must keep your energy high and not lower your vibrations to metaphorically get under that person and push them up. It will never work.
So, let's help each other along. No judgement. No preaching. Just good old fashioned love with a little bit of trust in the "all knowing" thrown in for good measure. ANd know that at this point, everyone is where they're supposed to be in life.

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